Malwarebytes qbittorrent
Malwarebytes qbittorrent

On many occasions we can find the same application on third-party websites, but it is preferable to do it from the official one in order to make sure that we get the latest version of it. The most recommended in these cases is to do this from the official website of its developers. If we want to use uTorrent on our computer, we can use its web version, but if we prefer to install it on our computer, we must download its executable file. That is why the main security platforms have started detecting the uTorrent installation file as a threateven if we download it from its official website, so they delete it as soon as it is downloaded to our computer and put it in quarantine, making it impossible to try to install it again.Īlthough currently it is best to move away from uTorrent and try other types of download clients, if we want to install it and continue using it, we must configure our antivirus so that it does not delete it when we download it. Additionally, Microsoft classifies uTorrent as a “potentially unwanted application”including it in its malware database and labeling the software as a serious threat.

malwarebytes qbittorrent

If we run its installed through a Virustotal web scan, we see that uTorrent is flagged by 19 different companieswhich the consider dangerous for various reasons such as “riskware”, through “Trojan.BtcMine”, to “bundled installer”.

Malwarebytes qbittorrent