Download clash of clans for android uptodown
Download clash of clans for android uptodown

download clash of clans for android uptodown

Available in fifteen languages, it currently has 130 million active users worldwide, and facilitates more than 450 million downloads every month. It has a catalogue of more than 3.8 million apps, divided into thematic categories and hosted on its own servers, offering for each one an information sheet prepared by its team of editors and supplemented with the opinions of its users. Alternative and totally independent, this app store is based on the principle of respecting the privacy of the user, not being required to register and allowing software to be downloaded both from its own official app and through the web. Uptodown is an international platform for the digital distribution of applications specialized for Android, founded in 2002. How many of these titles have befriended you in recent years?

download clash of clans for android uptodown

On the other hand, we have also seen a re-emergence of genres that were first introduced on the PC or consoles such as real-time strategy, MOBAs and puzzle games. This data corresponds to the shift of users from desktop computers and consoles towards smartphones, as well as the implementation of Android as the predominant mobile system (according to data from the IDC technology consultancy, in 2020 Android devices represented more than 84% of the units shipped in 2020 worldwide, the remaining 16% belongs to iOS).Ĭoncerning games this decade, Android has had many great titles that have laid the foundations for many genres that would not make sense on other platforms, making mobile platforms currently the most widespread and used gaming system in the world, above even traditional consoles.Įven though the beginning of the decade saw the most played titles from across a variety of genres (from driving/racing to soccer, strategy or skill puzzles), recent years have seen a definitive shift towards games of the Battle Royale genre.

download clash of clans for android uptodown

However currently, 85% of users use Uptodown from an Android device. Ten years ago, Uptodown traffic on mobile devices did not exceed 2% of its total downloads, comprised of iOS, Android, Blackberry and Symbian. Both the Android video game industry and the mobile ecosystem have generally experienced a constant evolution during the last decade. Uptodown began distributing Android apps in 2011 and today has 130 million unique users per month from all around the world who use its store to download apps and games from the platform.

Download clash of clans for android uptodown